Crystal Mendes Dos Santos

Kontaktné údaje

Caulfield Road
SE15 London

Spojené kráľovstvo

07857 114667

Konzultačné hodiny


09:30 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:30 - 15:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00





Termín konzultácie

Termín preferujem

Informácie o poradcovi a poradenskom centre

Hi, I am a Registered Nutritional Therapist and certified Metabolic Balance Practitioner with a passion for helping people take control of their health through personalised nutrition.

While I specialise in women's hormone health, I also support clients with a wide range of health goals. Whether you're looking to improve your metabolism, manage your weight, boost your energy, balance hormonal fluctuations, or simply feel better in your skin, I'm here to guide you.

The Metabolic Balance programme is an incredible tool that's tailored to your unique body chemistry, to create a completely personalised nutrition plan. Together, we'll work on restoring balance, improving your overall well-being, and creating long-term, sustainable healthy habits.

I offer sessions both online and face-to-face. If you're ready to make positive changes and feel empowered about your health, I'd love to support you on that journey.

Špecifikácia poradcu

Appointments are available online or face-to-face in East Dulwich SE22

  • Email
  • Website

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